◄ Free Lance ►

adventurer advertising writer annalist art critic ask no favors ask no quarter author authoress belletrist bibliographer blue-collar worker breadwinner casual casual laborer coauthor collaborate collaborator columnist common laborer compiler compose composer condottiere copywriter creative writer critic dance critic dash off day laborer diarist drama critic dramatist editorialize employee encyclopedist essayist factory worker flunky formulate free spirit free trader free-lance writer free-lancer freethinker full-time worker ghost ghostwrite ghostwriter go it alone gun gunman hand hired gun hired killer hireling humorist independent indite inditer individualist industrial worker isolationist jobber jobholder knock off knock out laborer laboring man latitudinarian liberal libertarian libertine literary artist literary craftsman literary critic literary man litterateur logographer magazine writer man of letters menial mercenary migrant moiler monographer mugwump music critic navvy neutral newspaperman nonpartisan novelettist novelist novelize office temporary pamphleteer penwoman poet prepare produce professional killer proletarian prose writer reviewer roustabout rugged individualist salaried worker scenario writer scenarist scenarize scribe scriptwriter self-employed person servant short-story writer soldier of fortune stiff storyteller technical writer temporary third force third world throw on paper toiler wage earner wage slave wageworker word painter wordsmith worker workgirl workhand working girl workingman workingwoman workman write writer


Free Hand
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